Bonzah Advises Top 4 Reasons for Car Accidents in America


Many insurance companies in America take a hard line when an insured person causes accident damage through their own negligence, or deliberate error. Today, we post the results of our extensive research, the top four reasons for car accidents in America. Improving your no claims record could bring your auto insurance costs down. Here are our top four ways for not achieving this.


Driving in a Distracted State of Mind


Distraction means being unable to concentrate on what we are doing because we are thinking about something else. If your school report said ... is easily distracted you know what we mean. Distraction while driving can have more serious consequences than going to bed without supper. So please no more phone calls, selfies, fixing lipstick, or texting behind the wheel of a car.


Mixing Your Drinks With Driving


Alcohol is a hallucinogenic substance. It makes things seem different to what they actually are. It also slows down reactions, and those two things can be a deadly mix. If you get behind the wheel after a party and feel like Lewis Hamilton please give the car keys to a friend. Even one drink could make a difference to getting home safely. Drinking alcohol is one of the most significant reasons for car accidents in America.


Driving Faster Than the Speed Limit


Things happen much faster when we travel at high speed. We get into dangerous situations quicker, and we have exponentially less time to assess things and take action. Moreover, the average distracted American driver will likely assume we are doing the speed limit, and cross the intersection without realizing how dangerous this actually is.


Not Making Adjustments When It Is Raining


In theory, all American cars have roadworthy tires and smart drivers. In reality, we know none of this is true. Did you know a small wave of water builds up in front of car wheel when the tread is badly worn? Eventually the wheels decide to surf these waves, especially when we travel at a steady speed. Skids happen quickly when there is no traction due to aquaplaning, and you cannot stop in time to avoid an accident.


Reasons for Car Accidents Are Food for Thought


You need insurance with sufficient cover because the other driver’s policy could have expired, or they invalidated it by driving drunk or extremely badly. Avoid expensive legal costs by taking rock-solid accident damage cover, for peace of mind when you need it most.

Image: Driving in Rain: Osseous BY CC 2.0