When we purchase a new auto, we are especially careful how we drive at first. Moreover, we do not go where traffic is hectic right away, because the driver controls are unfamiliar. The car rental industry breaks this rule by placing their depots at busy airports. We are in a hurry to get to our meeting or hotel regardless of the traffic. Understanding how to drive a rental car safely is essential, if we want to avoid a potential claim for rental car damage under these trying circumstances.
Key Pointers on How to Drive a Rental Car Safely
A reputable car rental company will have made sure the tires, lights, indicators, and horn are working properly. Moreover, a mechanic will have checked the water, lubricant and other fluids too. Thus, we can assume the car is in roadworthy condition. If something does not feel right or we hear a worrisome rattle, we can request a replacement vehicle. If all is good, the wise hirer renter learns how to drive a rental car safely first.
Basic Steps How to Drive a Rental Car Safely
# Adjust the driver seat to a comfortable position in terms of legroom, seat rake, and head restraint.
# Adjust all the driving mirrors so you can see clearly from your normal seating position
# Remove the hire contract from the dashboard, and the card hanging from the rear view mirror
# Put your hands on the steering wheel: practice finding the gear lever and working the pedals
# Notice how the various light, indicator, and horn controls work on the steering wheel cluster.
Now, put on and adjust your seatbelt for a comfortable fit, before starting the motor and driving slowly and carefully out the depot. Do not, however head for the public road immediately. Take time out to practice driving the rental car safely in the parking lot.
Advance Steps Before Starting on Your Actual Journey
If you resent ‘wasting time’ this way, then consider the alternative. Being unfamiliar with driver controls could cause you to hesitate in an emergency, and have a collision you might otherwise have avoided. Imagine how much longer that will take to sort out!
Bonzah offers affordable rental car insurance, but suggests you consider spending ten minutes driving around the parking lot and practicing first. Sure, you may get inquiring glances. But, why take the risk of a large claim for accident damage, loss of use, and diminished value when this could be so readily avoidable by practicing driving an unfamiliar rental car first.
Image: Parking Lot: Holiday Extras BY CC 2.0